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경북대학교 EU센터

Education and Research

Academic Activities

  • Lectures
  • Colloquiums
  • 1
  • Seminars
Spring 2017

Time: (Wed) April 28th 2017 – (Sat) April 29th 2017

Subject : Self-culture through classical books

Content : : travel of inner self in groups of 6 to 8 people. This program aims to panify the future through the self-discovery with the help of counselors. It transforms each particularities into vital resources.

Summer 2017

Time : (Mon) August 21st 2017 – (Thu) August 24th 2017

Subject : Karl Marx’s “Capital”, Pandora’s Box opening

Lector : Shin-Jun Kang (Economy professor at the University of Dong-A)

Content : After the financial crisis of 2008, we will take a fresh look to Marx’s “Capital” which established the basis of the alternative Capitalism and covers a way a solving the economical inequality. From the background writing of the book by the understanding of the essence of Capitalism in the world, until the foreseeing of an “after Capitalism”. Through a fresh look on “Capital”, we will understand our current situation and look for what makes a democratic society which would satisfy everyone.

Spring 2018

Time : (Fri) August 20th 2018 – (Thu) August 23rd 2018

Subject : The Dialectic

Lector : Seung-Yong Hong (former professor of the University of Daegu, director of the Contemporary Thinking Laboratory)

Content : Without relating dialectic to the formulas “thesis, antithesis, synthesis”, in order to understand the dynamic thinking way which suits to the reality, subject and object, difference and contradiction, self-critique, individual and total, artificial desire and art, theory and practice, and so on… We will look into the main problems related to the independent practice of this era. In order to do so, we will follow in a critique way the dialectical debates of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Mao Tse Tung, Theodor W. Adorno, Gilles Deleuze, Slavoj Žižek and others.

Summer 2019

Time : (Mon) August 19th 2019 – (Thu) August 22nd 2019

Subject : The universal thinkers of the European Union (Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Ulrich Beck, Niklas Luhmann)

Content : With the establishment of the common currency which marked the beginning of the European Union, we are witnessing the unification of its economy. But how a variety of people sprinkled on the European continent, despite the historical conflicts, could aspire to the completion of a unique community? Isn’t it thanks to the thinkers who by doing a fundamental work inspired the European Union members to look into their own life and feelings towards the idea of a common interest doctrine for a “society which satisfies everyone”? Based on the drastically different reality of the historical background of France and Germany, we will take a closer look at the work of those 4 thinkers, pioneers of progress towards the universality.

  • 2
  • Seminars promoting regional studies (in Europe)
In 2016

Time : (Mon) December 26th – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Subject : The United-Kingdom out of the European Union and Globalization

Lector : Hyeong-Bok Chae

Content : Course focused on the United-Kingdom which decided to leave the European Union, by looking at the current situation of the globalization era and by examining the orientation of our era, we will give directives to students for their career plan.


Time : (Wed) December 21st 2016 – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Subject : To the end of Globalization?

Lector : Dong-Hee Jang

Content : With the professor Dong-Hee Jang who worked at the Finland Embassy as a European ambassador Durant 30 years and in order to take the opportunity in a new current of globalization, we will answer to the following question: “what is the globalization?”.

In 2017

Time : September 19th 2017 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Subject : Particularities of the fundamental German law and the European Union

Lector : Seok-Yoon Song (professor of Superior Institute of the University of Seoul’s Law Faculty)


Time : October 2017

Subject : financial system of Europe

Lector : Byeong-Mu Jin (CEO of Dtech and agent of foreign mediation)


Time : October 2017

Subject : European Union project, future of Europe

Lector : Un-Taek Im (professor of the Department of Sociology of the University of Keimyung)


Time : November 2017

Subject : cultural projects support of the European Union and organisms

Lector : Seung-Wook Lee (CEO of Petit K World)


Time : November 2017

Subject : relation Europe-South Korea, focused on the French media companies

Lector : Nicolas Piccato (Panda Media – CEO of Demned Distribution)

In 2018
Foreign Approach Conference

Time : April 2018

Subject : France and social economy of Europe

Lector : Eric Bidet (professor of economy at the University of Maine)
